Kingham Agriculture

A bleak, cold day….

Gosh, it was a cold day today. We were blessed with a few winter showers overnight, but with it came cold southerly wind. So today, it blew and blew.

This is one of the few times where I might say thank goodness for paperwork as an excuse to stay indoors, but it was even cold in the office.

So out Dan and I went to organise a bit more grain ahead of the next grain truck on the weekend. Nothing warms you like shovelling grain. And on the way back I took a couple of these photos..

lambs2-h lambs1-h

The lambs were trying to keep warm as well. They were chasing one another around the paddock, up and over the fallen tree. Having a good game. The ewes were more interested in getting a feed before it got dark than worrying about the lambs. Such is life for a sheep.

Its good to see the ‘circle of life’ in motion. Life renewing itself. For today, my oldest sheep dog Spookie died. She was actually quite manic about sheep – there was no such thing as sitting around if sheep were nearby. She always wanted to be going around them. Well, either that or chase the motorbike. Both options were equally enjoyable for Spookie.

She was quite smart too. In summer she would chase the bike without pause until she found a dam. Then, after a swim and a roll in the mud, insisted on riding on the back of the bike all the way home – with muddy paw prints spread over the back of your shirt and the bike seat. Thankfully the other dogs never learnt that trick.

Everything has its time and today was Spookie’s.

So because its my blog and I can, here is a picture of Spookie (right) and Shadow (left) in May helping me check out the paddocks at sowing time. She was a good dog and loved to run.




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