Kingham Agriculture

Start of Harvest, 2014

Harvest is here. And it snuck up on us a little this year. We were all ready – header ready, bins in place, augers ready to go. But ‘normally’ we are struggling to find anything to harvest in late october due to the lack of ripeness and high moisture of the crops. The varieties aren’t usually ready in our district in October.

However this year we have had one variety which has surprised us. And then that surprise fed down the delivery chain, creating problems finding truck drivers for our carriers and the bulk handler caught still operating office hours.


Our hindmarsh barley has come in about 2 weeks ahead of anything else – and a nice crop it was too!

unload-1 So here is the obligatory picture of the header unloading into chaser bin. The barley had good weight and retention. I normally find Hindmarsh to be a very stable variety, producing good quality seed in most contitions. This year had a dry finish, obviously bringing this variety in ahead of schedule, but it still produced good quality seed.
engine-load-1 This picture is just my little gripe – you know when you spend a lot of time in a machine, little things attract your attention when they wouldn’t normally.

Its a bit out of focus, but look up the top right hand corner of the header’s Intelliview display. Why can I operate the header at 106% engine load? What is that about? When did 100% load cease being the limit? Perhaps its a bragging thing – ‘Your header only goes to 100%, but mine goes to 106%!’ 😉 (I can see after just one variety done, its going to be a long harvest…. )

So after harvesting madly for four days, we are now struggling to find other crops which are even close to being ready.

Lets pray we all have a safe and productive harvest.



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