Kingham Agriculture

Sowing trivia…

Here are a few useless facts about our sowing program which you can work into any dinner party conversationā€¦ šŸ˜‰

During our sowing period, our main tractor travelled 1751 kms at an average speed of approximately 9kms per hour.

We planted approximately 230400000 canola seeds, 385500000 wheat seeds and 564800000 barley seeds. (based on our sample grain weights and volumes)

We brought 31 truckloads of fertiliser to the paddocks to be spread over the ground.

We sprayed 108840 litres of water through the boomspray.

However the result is thisā€¦

canola-h barley-h

Happy canola seedlings and cereal seedlings (barley pictured) springing up.

Now the interesting part begins – watching the miracle of new lifeā€¦.

Its all good.



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