Kingham Agriculture

Week 3 – Wrap up

Its been a busy week down here on the farm. Every week now is getting closer to sowing, which is our main focus at this time of the year.

Two days were taken out seed grading. You can read about it in the previous post to this – ‘Seed Grading’.

What else has been happening apart from grading then? Spraying and maintenance. Dan has been working on replacing bearings, hoses, flat tyres and running to town for spraying supplies. I have been working out in the paddocks on the tractor.

Dan---h Airseeder maintenance is what Dan has been up to. Here he is about halfway through the laborious job of checking and replacing press wheel bearings where necessary. Press wheels are located behind the air seeder bar and are used to firm the ground around the seed which has just been planted. To make maintenance easier, they tend to use generic parts like common holden wheel bearings and axle stubs. Although they only rotate slowly, they are constantly exposed to dust and rarely last more than a season or two.
Sprayh For me, spraying weeds has taken the majority of my time. We have just been working on a new block of land we are leasing this year – and it is quite rough to drive over. I wear my seatbelt and feel like a pinball at the end of a spraying session. 🙁 However, it has to be done.

So as I write, this next week has a long list of jobs to be done. However the weather predictions for the week have been extremely varied. We had some more rain overnight – but the forecasts for the next few days vary from not much (5-10mm) to a downpour of epic proportions (60-90 mm). So I guess we will see as the week progresses.


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